El Querandi Tango Show in San Telmo a petit restaurant with a World class Tango show
El Querandi an ebony heart for the Tango Passion
El Querandi a petit Tango Show in San Telmo
This Tango House in San Telmo Buenos Aires is a small restaurant with a wonderful ebony boisserie...
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...from the times the venue was open in 1920, today it's a sophisticated gourmet restaurant, where you can appreciate one of the best Tango Show in town, at a close distance from the dancers, not only because of the lay out but also because they dance over the long bar. At El Querandi there is a live orchestra and two skilled singers seasoning the work of the Tango dancers.
More at https://www.tangoshowbuenosaires.com/detalle.php?a=el-querandi---tango-show-buenos-aires&t=2&d=4
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Couple at Esquina Carlos GardelDINNER + Show + PRIVATE Transfer in USD 120 USD 109,90
DINNER + Show + Private
Transfer USD 130
USD 109,90* !!
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