
How we operate

In Tango Show Buenos Aires, we frequently go to see the most important tango shows in Buenos Aires.

We check them periodically, and then we can provide exclusive and updated info, pictures and videos about them.

Our bookings are based on the Word of our Customers, that is the reason why we don't ask any money in advance.

As we get many bookings, we get better seats in the different tango show teathers

All the places we recommend have an excellent level of Tango, tasty food, and a nice enviroment. Then, each one of them have a personallity that fit with the Customer according to their tastes, that is the reason why we provide detailled info, independient from what the different tango shows states about themselves, so our Customers can take the chance of explore before booking.

We expect you enjoy our most authenthic cultural expression, And your staying here, our beloved Buenos Aires!


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